Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Tenderness is at the heart of survival in the situation  that we find ourselves in.

We  call this need for tenderness in caring for someone with Severe ME ' the moment approach :  Maximizing Opportunity   to Meet   Need Tenderly : the  tenderness  we talk about,  within the context of unspeakable pain, irritability, hypersensitivity  ,struggle is ultimately  the tenderness  and vision  of a child  , trusting that all will be well , trusting in growth, trusting in love, trusting in goodness, trusting in God the Father ,who holds us all,  in the whole of creation, in an ongoing  act of renewal.  

Each moment is an opportunity to regard each other  in tenderness , despite our suffering. 

Each moment is an opportunity for a sacred, healing, moment of  connection. 

Let us not forget that God holds us tenderly too.  And our little story  is part of the universe  and all then,  is safely held, in the power of the cross and the Heart of love : the power of the awesome Mighty Trinity, so  that as Julian of Norwich reminds us  " All will be well  and  all will be well and all manner of things will be well " , even if we do not know how this will be.

Let us all then seek tenderness, openness of relationship, kindness, goodness, gentleness, love and respect in our relationships with ourselves, each other and God. 


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