Monday, February 27, 2012


Today has been a day when the weight of the ME is utterly immense , overwhelming and pressing us down. So that every moment is a struggle. 

On days like  this, we search for a way through moment by moment. In  this situation  it is tempting  to fall into anger because not enough is being done. The danger is the anger can eat you up or you can fall into blaming, or into despair or worse, into apathy.

The reality of severe ME is that you cannot avoid suffering. You cannot  just try and go round it or leap over it. You have to enter  into it and live  through it , because the  physical suffering is endless and  never leaves us.

 All we can do is search for meaning, is pray for better moments, is hope in goodness, is  seek a higher path, is remain vigilant to avoid despair and trust in the miraculous, which flows from the Heart of Love.

This is what we daily search for;  this is what helps us through each struggling moment. 

For Love is greater than all suffering and is a blessing opening to us all and freely available for us to receive, in any moment, so that hope can be restored and mercy touch our lives.

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