Saturday, March 24, 2012


It is so important to find your centre in the day, so that whatever comes you can cope. 

Being centred helps you not lose your balance or sense of who you are when difficulties arise. 

The deeper your awareness of your centre, the true you, the connected with God self, the more you find you can cope. The more ephemeral the outside world becomes. 

The less likely it will harm and damage you.

Unfortunately, with  ME you  start each day within the centre of physical chaos. You are in effect chucked  straight in ' at the deep end.' every day. It  can be hard even  to begin to find your centre, so physically dispersed , so cognitively impacted , you are.  

In these circumstances, it is a miracle that we can find God at all. And yet somehow we do. We go within. We find some aspect of centredness and we more than survive. We pray. 

We hope. We reach  out.  

We keep going. We are love in a broken world.

Let us thank God then,  for this miracle of being. Let us thank Him for the strength, the Light,the Hope ,the Love , the inner peace and the centredeness He brings us. Amen

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