Monday, March 19, 2012


The sun is shining here today. How beautiful it makes everything look. The cold air is not so cold, the flowers glow , even the leaves are translucent  as the light flows through them. 

The garden is transformed. Even the rooms in the house are warmer and brighter for the sun shine.

Many days here though the sun does not shine. It still feels like winter and the cold wracks through us, no matter how many layers of clothing we wear. Yet everything in the garden is still growing, is still reaching for the light, even if the growth is invisible to the naked eye.

This is a great spiritual  lesson to be learned. Look below the surface. see the spiritual light shining, transforming everything, radiating hope and beauty in a seemingly barren existence. The whole garden is groaning, bursting forth with new life and growth, some visible, some below the soil, where we cannot see so easily.

And so, like the garden,  it is  the same with us. 

We are still seeking God's light, still reaching out, yearning for His  warmth in the most cold and barren places. We are  waiting  for His light  to shine through us and transform us, even on the darkest days when we cannot see or feel  His light shining in the world or in us, when we feel there is no growth, no movement, yet still His Light is shining.

All we need do is seek Him with inner eyes and open heart, with Trust and faith that He is still with us.  For  His  light is ever pure and shining for the whole of creation. And we can always shine His Light and make a difference in the world, even if we know it not, by looking up and knowing He is the Light of Life and all is really well.

 Then we will find that transformation and growth has happened even though we noticed it not and suddenly beauty is restored and the Light shines brightly in our 
hearts . 


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