Sunday, March 4, 2012


We are strong because we are not strong.

 In this intense situation , year after year for decades , we are too aware that a large part of us is seemingly irrational, possessed with a mind of is own; we are aware that  despite our best efforts we don't get it right always.

The  strength in our situation  is rooted in a lack of pretension, a necessary humility , out of that though comes an endless capacity to love, to grow, to strive, to embrace; being  caught up in the ongoing wonder and process of creation.

Love brings strength. Love brings tenderness. Love brings goodness and bears all. It is strong in protection. It is strong in kindness. It is strong in forgiveness. It is strong in holding all and moving us forward to higher ground where all things are possible and hope springs eternally,

We are each others strength in ways we do not see necessarily. 

God is our strength and blesses and heals all hurts and inspires us , lifts us ever deeper into the mystery of Life  and Love.

May we always choose humility as our strength. May we always shine love in the world. 


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