Sunday, March 11, 2012


What sort of reflection do we shine in the world? With ME it is hard to have a reflection at all it feels sometimes, so hidden and unknown we are, in the world.

The illness makes you not who you want to be. It makes you physically unable to function. 

It makes you unable to engage with normal ever day activity, events and people. It can twist the world into a very ugly place.

So important to take time to be still and find truth. The act of actual spiritual reflection may itself be beyond the reach of the person with ME due to massive brain fog and depleted mental  energy . 

The  carer too may struggle to find the time for self reflection and spiritual awareness, so easily caught up in the business of the day.

Yet there are great rewards to take space and enter into a reflective mind in whatever way is possible, even if that mind feels empty, yet still God is with you. Perhaps some ray of light might illuminate the fog, might show a path through busy ness , might fill the heart and mind with a peace beyond the world and deposit a word of wisdom, not previously known or sought after : the  blessing of the day.

 Let us ask God then to help us be still inside a moment, then,  so that we can reflect His love and grace in the world, not be so  diminished  by the ravages of illness that we feel we have no reflection at all, or worse, mirror back the cruelty, neglect and unkindness that we so often experience ourselves. 

May his  blessing lead us to knew knowledge and awareness, touched by love.  Amen

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