Thursday, March 1, 2012


It has been a good day with Spring breaking out everywhere, the first daffodil in our garden and warm sun, glorious and beautiful. 

Yet it  has  been a bad day ,extreme irritation, hypersensitivity, torment, frustration at nothing being done to alleviate it, agony and no relent.

How can you talk about growth on a day like this?

 How can you see any growth when you are completely immersed in a pain filled tormented world, completely separated from the  beauty and peace all around you?

 Maybe all you can hope to do is  survive.

Maybe you cannot talk about growth on such a day, but one thing we have learned is that in the deepest most difficult places, that is where you   encounter Truth. 

This is part of the spiritual journey; it is often in failure, not success, that you find the way.

The miracle is that  we have got  through this day intact, and can still seek peace, healing, wholeness, wisdom in the stillness ,where God speaks most clearly to us.

And when we look back on where we have been and seen how we have coped, how we have survived, how we have been, perhaps we can see, if we look with kindness, if we look with tenderness, if we look with eyes of wisdom, that God was with us after all  and somehow held on to us and kept us moving forward, for in truth we are always growing, even when we cannot see it, even when we feel like we are going backwards, in God's love we find that new growth emerges when least expected and least sought after. 

Like this Spring in our garden with daily blooms appearing from seemingly nowhere we find we have moved, we have loved through difficult  times and we have triumphed. 


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